Pink and Yellow Dried Flower Bridal Bouquet
Bridal bouquet made from a mix of dried and preserved flowers keeping and pink and yellow colour scheme, with added greenery for foliage.
Our wedding flowers are perfect for those looking to have their flowers in advance of the big day, or to take away on a destination wedding. And the best thing is, you get to keep them afterwards!
SIZING (Approx)
Bridal: Height 40-45cm, Bridesmaid: Height 35-40cm
The bridesmaid bouquet will be a smaller version of the bridal bouquet.
We have selected UK grown dried flowers where possible to bring you the most sustainable option.
Bridal bouquet made from a mix of dried and preserved flowers keeping and pink and yellow colour scheme, with added greenery for foliage.
Our wedding flowers are perfect for those looking to have their flowers in advance of the big day, or to take away on a destination wedding. And the best thing is, you get to keep them afterwards!
SIZING (Approx)
Bridal: Height 40-45cm, Bridesmaid: Height 35-40cm
The bridesmaid bouquet will be a smaller version of the bridal bouquet.
We have selected UK grown dried flowers where possible to bring you the most sustainable option.
Pink and Yellow Dried Flower Bridal Bouquet
Bridal bouquet made from a mix of dried and preserved flowers keeping and pink and yellow colour scheme, with added greenery for foliage.
Our wedding flowers are perfect for those looking to have their flowers in advance of the big day, or to take away on a destination wedding. And the best thing is, you get to keep them afterwards!
SIZING (Approx)
Bridal: Height 40-45cm, Bridesmaid: Height 35-40cm
The bridesmaid bouquet will be a smaller version of the bridal bouquet.
We have selected UK grown dried flowers where possible to bring you the most sustainable option.
Bridal bouquet made from a mix of dried and preserved flowers keeping and pink and yellow colour scheme, with added greenery for foliage.
Our wedding flowers are perfect for those looking to have their flowers in advance of the big day, or to take away on a destination wedding. And the best thing is, you get to keep them afterwards!
SIZING (Approx)
Bridal: Height 40-45cm, Bridesmaid: Height 35-40cm
The bridesmaid bouquet will be a smaller version of the bridal bouquet.
We have selected UK grown dried flowers where possible to bring you the most sustainable option.